The linux implementation of IDevice
See Also: Inherited members from object.
() The default constructor for linux implementation |
monotooth.Model.BluetoothAddress . Implemented properties from IDevice, this property defines address. |
Device_Indentifier [read-only] | int . Device identifier, it gets its value from hci_get_route(). |
string . Implemented properties from IDevice, this property defines FriendlyName of the device. |
() Returns the devices address as string. |
static |
(monotooth.Model.BluetoothAddress) Returns an address as string. |
() Inquire devices from the surrounding area, uses a native method to achieve good inquiry. |
(string) Returns a monotooth.Model.BluetoothAddress from a string, using a native function. |
static |
(string) Returns an address as string. |
The default constructor for linux implementation
Implemented properties from IDevice, this property defines address.
Returns the devices address as string.
Returns an address as string.
Device identifier, it gets its value from hci_get_route().
Implemented properties from IDevice, this property defines FriendlyName of the device.
Inquire devices from the surrounding area, uses a native method to achieve good inquiry.
Returns a monotooth.Model.BluetoothAddress from a string, using a native function.
Returns an address as string.